Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Palm and Apple

I was up till 1 am yesterday trying to get my fathers Treo to sync correctly with his powerbook. No such luck. I want to take this oppertunity to complain about a few pieces of software. How hard is it to build a piece of software that passes events to and from a mini-computer? Apperently no one can get it right.

First thing we try is a hard reset and posting the information back onto the treo. This has worked in the past, but did not last night. Things were still broken.

The next step was to try "The Missing Sync" from Mark/Space. It turns out that we had version 4 and they just released version 5 of their Palm OS Sync, so we went to upgrade. Unfortunatly, my dad had not used the correct email address the first time he purchased the software (version 4), so we were unable to get the bonus upgrade. So we spent full price on Version 5. This is where the real fun begins. This piece of software is HORRIBLE and buggy and should never have been released. It uses deamons and processes to wait for a Sync and only manages to break anything. It turns out that logging out and logging back in isn't enough to restart them. This software turned my beautiful Mac OS X system into a Windows machine that I had to restart every time it froze. If I had wanted windows, I would have bought windows, and this really pissed me off.

On the specifics of how The Missing Sync sucks I have this to say: when I clicked ont he settings button on top of the Mark/Space Events conduit, it just froze, and would require an entire restart of the computer before anything would work. Not to mention freezing in the middle of syncing with the device.

By the way, just to make sure it was the software and not the device, I brought down my palm T5, and it broke with that too.

So at this point I have no faith in Mark/Space, but I'm still trying to get it to work. The next step was to look at the iSync settings. This is where I get upset with Apple. iSync was supposed to be this great application that solved all the synching problems in the world. Well, in my years of using it, it has created more problems then it has solved. Last night I found another problem.

Now, for all who know me, I'm the biggest Mac fan out there. I love apple, but they are really biting the big one on this product. I'm looking at my father's calendars in the device menu and it won't let me sync Published calendars with the palm. No explination why, just wont. When I unpublish them, it still doesn't work.

This is where I was at. Missing Sync was breaking, and iSync wasn't synching the right calendars, and at about 1:00 am, after spending almost three hours on the problem I called it a night.

I've been beaten for now... but I will figure this out and win, and when I do, I'll post the solution so people don't have to go through this.


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